578.300. Definitions.
578.300. As used in sections 578.300 to 578.330 and section307.176, RSMo, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, thefollowing terms shall mean:
(1) "Bus", any passenger bus or coach or other motor vehiclehaving a seating capacity of not less than fifteen passengersoperated by a bus transportation company for the purpose ofcarrying passengers or cargo for hire, but not to include a busor coach utilized exclusively to transport children to and fromschools;
(2) "Bus transportation company" or "company", any person,groups of persons or corporation providing for-hire transport topassengers or cargo by bus upon the highways of this state,whether in interstate or intrastate travel, but not to include acompany utilizing buses transporting children to and from school.This term shall also include bus transportation facilities ownedor operated by local public bodies, municipalities, publiccorporations, boards and commissions except school districtsestablished under the laws of this state;
(3) "Charter", a group of persons who, pursuant to a commonpurpose and under a single contract, and at a fixed charge forthe vehicle in accordance with a bus transportation company'stariff, have acquired the exclusive use of a bus to traveltogether as a group to a specified destination;
(4) "Passenger", any person served by the transportationcompany and, in addition to the ordinary meaning of passenger,this term shall also include persons accompanying or meetinganother who is transported by a company, any person shipping orreceiving cargo;
(5) "Terminal", a bus station or depot or any facilityoperated or leased by or operated on behalf of a bustransportation company, including a reasonable area immediatelyadjacent to any designated stop along the route traveled by anycoach operated by a bus transportation company, and parking lotsor parking areas adjacent to a terminal.
(L. 1982 S.B. 519 § 1)