578.215. Cave or subsurface waters, placing structures or substances in violation of clean water law, prohibited, exceptions.
Cave or subsurface waters, placing structures or substances inviolation of clean water law, prohibited, exceptions.
578.215. 1. A person shall not purposely introduce into any cave, cavesystem, sinkhole or subsurface waters of the state any substance or structurethat will or could violate any provision of the Missouri clean water law asset forth in chapter 204, RSMo, or any water quality standard or effluentlimitation promulgated pursuant thereto.
2. The provisions of subsection 1 of this section do not apply wherenatural subsurface drainage systems including, without limitation, caves, cavesystems, sinkholes, fissures and related openings are used for purposes ofstorm water drainage, artificial recharge of aquifers, and irrigation returnflow, and where modifications of natural drainage systems are made forpurposes of improving natural drainage relationships.
3. No additional appropriations may be made for the enforcement ofsections 578.200 to 578.225.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1192 § 4)Effective 1-1-81