578.205. Definitions.
578.205. When used in sections 578.200 to 578.225, thefollowing words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed tothem in this section unless the context clearly requiresotherwise:
(1) "Cave or cavern", any naturally occurring subterraneancavity enterable by man including, without limitation, a pit,pothole, natural well, grotto and tunnel, whether or not theopening has a natural entrance;
(2) "Cave system", the caves in a given area related to eachother hydrologically, whether continuous or discontinuous from asingle opening;
(3) "Show cave", any cave or cavern wherein trails have beencreated and some type of lighting provided by the owner oroperator for purpose of exhibition to the general public as aprofit or nonprofit enterprise, wherein a fee is generallycollected for entry;
(4) "Sinkhole", a hollow place or depression in the groundin which drainage may collect with an opening therefrom into anunderground channel or cave including any subsurface opening thatmight be bridged by a formation of silt, gravel, humus or anyother material through which percolation into the channel or cavemay occur.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1192 § 2)Effective 1-1-81