577.051. Missouri uniform law enforcement system records, information entered by highway patrol, when, made available, to whom--failure to furnish records to patrol, penalty--forms and procedure for f

Missouri uniform law enforcement system records, information enteredby highway patrol, when, made available, to whom--failure tofurnish records to patrol, penalty--forms and procedure forfiling records.

577.051. 1. A record of the disposition in any court proceedinginvolving a violation of any of the provisions of sections 577.005* to577.023, or violation of county or municipal ordinances involving alcohol-or drug-related driving offenses shall be forwarded to the department ofrevenue, within seven days by the clerk of the court in which theproceeding was held. The records shall be forwarded by the department ofrevenue within fifteen days of receipt to the Missouri state highway patroland shall be entered by the highway patrol in the Missouri uniform lawenforcement system records. Dispositions that shall be reported are pleasof guilty, findings of guilty, suspended imposition of sentence, suspendedexecution of sentence, probation, conditional sentences, sentences ofconfinement, and any other such dispositions that may be required understate or federal regulations. The record forwarded by the clerk shallclearly show the court, the court case number, the name, address, and motorvehicle operator's or chauffeur's license number of the person who is thesubject of the proceeding, the code or number identifying the particulararrest, and any court action or requirements pertaining thereto.

2. All records received by the Missouri state highway patrol or thedepartment of revenue under the provisions of this section shall be enteredin the Missouri uniform law enforcement system records and maintained bythe Missouri state highway patrol. Records placed in the Missouri uniformlaw enforcement system under the provisions of this section shall be madeavailable to any law enforcement officer in this state, any prosecuting orcircuit attorney in this state, or to any judge of a municipal or statecourt upon request.

3. Any person required by this section to furnish records to theMissouri state highway patrol or department of revenue who willfullyrefuses to furnish such records is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.

4. Records required to be filed with the Missouri state highwaypatrol or the department of revenue under the provisions of sections302.225, RSMo, and 577.001 to 577.051 shall be filed beginning July 1,1983, and no penalties for nonfiling of records shall be applied prior toJuly 1, 1983.

5. Forms and procedures for filing of records with the Missouri statehighway patrol or department of revenue as required in this chapter shallbe promulgated by the director of the department of public safety ordepartment of revenue, as applicable, and approved by the Missouri supremecourt.

6. All record-keeping procedures required under the provisions ofsections 577.005* to 577.023 shall be in accordance with this section,chapter 610, RSMo, to the contrary notwithstanding.

(L. 1982 S.B. 513, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 1997 S.B. 248, A.L. 2003 H.B. 613 merged with S.B. 468, A.L. 2007 H.B. 574)

*Section 577.005 was repealed by S.B. 276 § 1, 1983.