575.320. Misconduct in administration of justice.
Misconduct in administration of justice.
575.320. 1. A public servant, in his public capacity orunder color of his office or employment, commits the crime ofmisconduct in administration of justice if:
(1) He is charged with the custody of any person accused orconvicted of any crime or municipal ordinance violation and hecoerces, threatens, abuses or strikes such person for the purposeof securing a confession from him;
(2) He knowingly seizes or levies upon any property ordispossesses anyone of any lands or tenements without due andlegal process, or other lawful authority;
(3) He is a judge and knowingly accepts a plea of guiltyfrom any person charged with a violation of a statute orordinance at any place other than at the place provided by lawfor holding court by such judge;
(4) He is a jailer or keeper of a county jail and knowinglyrefuses to receive, in the jail under his charge, any personlawfully committed to such jail on any criminal charge orcriminal conviction by any court of this state, or on any warrantand commitment or capias on any criminal charge issued by anycourt of this state;
(5) He is a law enforcement officer and violates theprovisions of section 544.170, RSMo, by knowingly
(a) Refusing to release any person in custody who isentitled to such release; or
(b) Refusing to permit a person in custody to see andconsult with counsel or other persons; or
(c) Transferring any person in custody to the custody orcontrol of another, or to another place, for the purpose ofavoiding the provisions of that section; or
(d) Preferring against any person in custody a false chargefor the purpose of avoiding the provisions of that section;
(6) He orders or suggests to an employee of a county of thefirst class having a charter form of government with a populationover nine hundred thousand and not containing any part of a cityof three hundred fifty thousand or more inhabitants that suchemployee shall issue a certain number of traffic citations on adaily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly or other quota basis,except when such employee is assigned exclusively to trafficcontrol and has no other responsibilities or duties.
2. Misconduct in the administration of justice is a class Amisdemeanor.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 1993 S.B. 180)