575.220. Failure to return to confinement.
Failure to return to confinement.
575.220. 1. A person commits the crime of failure to return toconfinement if, while serving a sentence for any crime under a work-releaseprogram, or while under sentence of any crime to serve a term ofconfinement which is not continuous, or while serving any other type ofsentence for any crime wherein he or she is temporarily permitted to go atlarge without guard, he or she purposely fails to return to confinementwhen he or she is required to do so.
2. This section does not apply to persons who are free on bond, bailor recognizance, personal or otherwise, nor to persons who are on probationor parole, temporary or otherwise.
3. Failure to return to confinement is a class C misdemeanor unless:
(1) The sentence being served is to the Missouri department ofcorrections and human resources, in which case failure to return toconfinement is a class D felony; or
(2) The sentence being served is one of confinement in a county orprivate jail on conviction of a felony, in which case failure to return toconfinement is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 2009 S.B. 44)