565.253. Crime of invasion of privacy, second degree, penalties.
Crime of invasion of privacy, second degree, penalties.
565.253. 1. A person commits the crime of invasion of privacy in thesecond degree if:
(1) Such person knowingly views, photographs or films another person,without that person's knowledge and consent, while the person being viewed,photographed or filmed is in a state of full or partial nudity and is in aplace where one would have a reasonable expectation of privacy; or
(2) Such person knowingly uses a concealed camcorder or photographiccamera of any type to secretly videotape, photograph, or record byelectronic means another person under or through the clothing worn by thatother person for the purpose of viewing the body of or the undergarmentsworn by that other person without that person's consent.
2. Invasion of privacy in the second degree pursuant to subdivision(1) of subsection 1 of this section is a class A misdemeanor; unless morethan one person is viewed, photographed or filmed in full or partial nudityin violation of sections 565.250 to 565.257 during the same course ofconduct, in which case invasion of privacy is a class D felony; and unlesscommitted by a person who has previously pled guilty to or been foundguilty of invasion of privacy, in which case invasion of privacy is a classD felony. Invasion of privacy in the second degree pursuant to subdivision(2) of subsection 1 of this section is a class A misdemeanor; unless morethan one person is secretly videotaped, photographed or recorded inviolation of sections 565.250 to 565.257 during the same course of conduct,in which case invasion of privacy is a class D felony; and unless committedby a person who has previously pled guilty to or been found guilty ofinvasion of privacy, in which case invasion of privacy is a class C felony.Prior pleas or findings of guilt shall be pled and proven in the samemanner required by the provisions of section 558.021, RSMo.
(L. 1995 H.B. 160 § 1 subsecs. 2, 3, A.L. 2002 S.B. 969, et al.)