561.016. Basis of disqualification or disability.
Basis of disqualification or disability.
561.016. 1. No person shall suffer any legaldisqualification or disability because of a finding of guilt orconviction of a crime or the sentence on his conviction, unlessthe disqualification or disability involves the deprivation of aright or privilege which is
(1) Necessarily incident to execution of the sentence of thecourt; or
(2) Provided by the constitution or the code; or
(3) Provided by a statute other than the code, when theconviction is of a crime defined by such statute; or
(4) Provided by the judgment, order or regulation of acourt, agency or official exercising a jurisdiction conferred bylaw, or by the statute defining such jurisdiction, when thecommission of the crime or the conviction or the sentence isreasonably related to the competency of the individual toexercise the right or privilege of which he is deprived.
2. Proof of a conviction as relevant evidence upon the trialor determination of any issue, or for the purpose of impeachingthe convicted person as a witness, is not a disqualification ordisability within the meaning of this chapter.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60)Effective 1-1-79