550.160. Certain officers not to receive witness fees.

Certain officers not to receive witness fees.

550.160. No officer, appointee or employee holding a state,county, township or municipal office, including police officersand policemen, either by election or appointment, shall claim, beallowed or receive any fee or compensation as a witness fortestifying before a coroner's inquest, grand jury, or in anycriminal cases. All officers, appointees and employees asaforesaid, shall be compelled to attend the trial of all criminalcases, coroner's inquest and grand juries, when legallysubpoenaed; provided, that the provisions of this section shallnot apply to any officer who is a witness in any case where theresidence of such officer is five miles from the place where thetrial or coroner's inquest is held, or where the grand jury is insession.

(RSMo 1939 § 4232)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 3837; 1919 § 4180; 1909 § 5388