547.340. Duty of marshal under execution of sentence order--warrant for arrest, issuance, authority under.
Duty of marshal under execution of sentence order--warrant for arrest,issuance, authority under.
547.340. 1. Where the supreme court shall make an order, asdirected in section 547.330, a certified copy of the order shallbe given to the marshal of the court, who may without delay issuea warrant for the arrest and transportation of the convict andwho shall without delay, either in person, by such deputymarshals as the court may direct, or by any peace officer, asdefined in section 542.261, RSMo, arrest such convict wherever hemay be found in this state, transport and deliver him to theproper officer.
2. Upon the request of any district of the court of appealsand with the consent of the supreme court, the marshal of thesupreme court shall issue a warrant for the arrest andtransportation of a convict where the judgment the convictappealed from has been affirmed or the appeal has been dismissedby that district of the court of appeals or the appeal filed hasbeen withdrawn.
3. A warrant for arrest and transportation may be directedto any peace officer, as defined in section 542.261, RSMo, andshall authorize that officer to arrest and transport the convictas directed by the marshal.
(RSMo 1939 § 4140, A.L. 1982 S.B. 497)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3750; 1919 § 4096; 1909 § 5302