547.260. Attorney general and chief administrative officer to be notified of appeal, how, by whom.
Attorney general and chief administrative officer to be notified ofappeal, how, by whom.
547.260. If any person shall appeal to the supreme courtfrom a conviction and sentence for a felony in any court in thisstate having the jurisdiction to try and determine felonies, theclerk thereof shall immediately notify the attorney general ofthe state of Missouri in writing by mail, giving the name of theappellant, the nature of the crime, the substance of the judgmentand sentence, and the date of the order granting the appeal. Inthose cases wherein the appellant shall have been sentenced tosuffer death, the clerk of the court in which the conviction washad shall also immediately give like notice to the chiefadministrative officer of the correctional facility of thedepartment of corrections by registered mail, unless timerequires a more expedient notice. In all cases where a personshall have been sentenced to suffer death in this state and shallfile a petition for a writ of error in the supreme court, theclerk of the supreme court shall immediately give like notice tothe chief administrative officer of the correctional facility ofthe department of corrections, of the issuance of the writ, thename of the plaintiff in error and the other facts abovespecified. The notice shall be conveyed in person by the marshalof the supreme court to the chief administrative officer.
(L. 1941 p. 343 § 1, A.L. 1990 H.B. 974)