546.880. May be consigned to workhouse, when.
May be consigned to workhouse, when.
546.880. Whenever any person shall, because of a convictionfor any misdemeanor or felony, be subject to imprisonment in acounty jail, such person may, at the discretion of the court, beconfined in any workhouse or other place of imprisonmentbelonging to any town or city in such county, or in anyincorporated city from which said county has been separated bylaw; provided, the county commission of such county shall havecontracted or agreed with the town or city owning such workhouseor other place of confinement for the custody and keeping of suchconvicts; and cities or towns having no workhouse or houses shallhave authority to work convicted persons on the streets, bridgesor other public works in such city or town.
(RSMo 1939 § 4121)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3731; 1919 § 4075; 1909 § 5281