544.650. Writ of scire facias, how served.
Writ of scire facias, how served.
544.650. Whenever any bail bond or recognizance has beengiven or entered into in any criminal proceedings, conditionedfor the appearance of any person charged with, indicted for orconvicted of any criminal offense, or for any other purpose, andthe conditions thereof shall become broken or the same shall beforfeited, it shall be lawful and sufficient to serve the writ ofscire facias or other writ or process which may be issued in suchproceeding, either by delivering a duly certified copy of suchwrit or process to the person therein named, or by leaving suchduly certified copy of such writ or process at the usual place ofabode of the person therein named, with a member of his familyover the age of fifteen years.
(RSMo 1939 § 3974)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3585; 1919 § 3928; 1909 § 5135