544.575. No proceeding upon a recognizance defeated for defects.

No proceeding upon a recognizance defeated for defects.

544.575. No proceeding upon a recognizance shall bedefeated, nor shall judgment thereon be prevented or arrested, onaccount of any defect of form, omission of recital, condition ofundertaking therein, neglect of an associate circuit judge orclerk to note or record the default of any principal or surety atthe time when such default shall happen, or of any otherirregularity if it be made to appear from the whole record orproceeding that the defendant was legally in custody, chargedwith a criminal offense, that he was discharged therefrom byreason of the giving of the recognizance, and that it can beascertained from the recognizance that the sureties undertookthat the defendant should appear before a court at the timespecified.

(L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Effective 1-2-79