544.290. Disqualification of associate circuit judge.
Disqualification of associate circuit judge.
544.290. An associate circuit judge shall be disqualified toconduct an examination of any person accused of felony asprovided in this chapter if an affidavit is filed in his officeby the accused, the prosecuting attorney, or the complainant,before the commencement of such examination, stating that theassociate circuit judge is near of kin to the accused by blood ormarriage; or that the offense charged is alleged to have beencommitted against the person or property of such associatecircuit judge; or against some person near of kin to him by bloodor marriage; or that the associate circuit judge is in anywiseinterested or prejudiced, or shall have been counsel in thematter, as the affiant verily believes.
(L. 1945 p. 842 § 3864a)