537.745. Construction of provisions.
Construction of provisions.
537.745. 1. Nothing in sections 537.700 to 537.755, shallbe construed to broaden or restrict the liability of the publicentities participating in the fund beyond the provisions ofsections 537.600 to 537.610, nor to abolish or waive any defenseat law which might otherwise be available to any public entity orits officers and employees.
2. All persons and entities protected by the fund shallcooperate with those persons responsible for conducting anyinvestigation and preparing any defense under the provisions ofsections 537.700 to 537.755, by assisting such persons in allrespects, including the making of settlements, the securing andgiving of evidence, and the attending and obtaining witnesses toattend hearings and trials.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1435 & 1461)Effective 6-20-86