537.715. Board of trustees--officers.
Board of trustees--officers.
537.715. 1. The board shall elect one of their members aschairman. He shall preside over meetings of the board andperform such other duties as shall be required by action of theboard.
2. The chairman shall appoint another board member as vicechairman, and the vice chairman shall perform the duties of thechairman in the absence of the latter or upon his inability orrefusal to act.
3. The board shall appoint a secretary who shall have chargeof the offices and records of the fund, subject to the directionof the board.
4. Any summons or writ issued by the courts of the stateshall be served upon the chairman, or, in his absence, on thevice chairman, or upon a registered agent which the board shalldesignate.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1435 & 1461)Effective 6-20-86