537.700. Public entity risk management fund established--definitions--who may participate.
Public entity risk management fund established--definitions--who mayparticipate.
537.700. 1. There is hereby created the "Missouri PublicEntity Risk Management Fund", which shall be a body corporate andpolitic. The board of trustees of this fund shall have thepowers and duties specified in sections 537.700 to 537.755 andsuch other powers as may be necessary or proper to enable it, itsofficers, employees and agents to carry out fully and effectivelyall the purposes of sections 537.700 to 537.755.
2. Unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context, thefollowing words and terms as used in sections 537.700 to 537.755mean:
(1) "Board", the board of trustees of the Missouri publicentity risk management fund;
(2) "Fund", the Missouri public entity risk management fundestablished by subsection 1 of this section;
(3) "Public entity", any city, county, township, village,town, municipal corporation, school district, special purpose ortaxing district, or any other local public body created by thegeneral assembly.
3. Any public entity may participate in the Missouri publicentity risk management fund and use public funds to pay anyassessment made in conjunction with the fund.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1435 & 1461)Effective 6-20-86