537.355. Private property, permission by owner to hunt, fish, or recreate, limitation on privilege.
Private property, permission by owner to hunt, fish, or recreate,limitation on privilege.
537.355. An owner of land who either directly or indirectly invitesor permits without charge any person to use such property for hunting orfishing purposes or other recreational purpose, including but not limitedto any aircraft or ultralight vehicle activity, does not thereby:
(1) Confer upon such person the legal status of an invitee orlicensee and owes to such person only the duty of care as is owed to atrespasser under the law;
(2) Without the failure to exercise just ordinary care, assumeresponsibility for or incur liability for any injury to persons or propertycaused by an act or omission of such persons while hunting or fishing orengaging in other recreational activities, such as operating aircraft orultralight vehicles;
(3) Without the failure to exercise just ordinary care, assumeresponsibility for or incur liability for any injury to persons orproperty, wherever such persons or property are located, caused whilehunting or fishing or engaging in other recreational activities, such asoperating aircraft or ultralight vehicles.
(L. 2008 H.B. 2034)