537.310. Proceedings under section 537.300.
Proceedings under section 537.300.
537.310. In any action commenced under section 537.300, asummons may issue against the defendants upon the plaintiffstating, on oath, that he believes some one or more of his cattleor other stock has been driven off by a drover, and that hebelieves the same to be of a certain value, to be endorsed on thewrit; and the proceedings thereon shall be the same as in otheractions commenced by summons; provided, however, that noexception shall be taken to the form of the oath aforesaid, andthat upon such affidavit, and the execution of a bond byplaintiff, as now required under proceedings by attachment forthe amount stated in said affidavit, he shall also be entitled toan attachment against the horses, cattle, mules, hogs, sheep orother animals which defendant or defendants are then so driving,and also against their goods and chattels, and may proceed, undersaid attachment, to recover all damages given to plaintiff undersection 537.300.
(RSMo 1939 § 14496)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12822; 1919 § 4312; 1909 § 813