537.240. Railroads and railroad corporation or companies--terms construed.
Railroads and railroad corporation or companies--terms construed.
537.240. Whenever the words "railroad companies" or"railroad corporation" shall be found in sections 537.040 to537.110, 537.130 to 537.260, it shall be taken and construed toinclude all companies, corporations, person or persons operatingany railroad in this state, and wherever the word "railroad"occurs in any of said sections it shall be taken and construed toinclude all railroads operated in this state by whatever motiveor power propelled, and shall include all railroads or railways,commonly known as street railways, and all railroads operated byterminal companies or associations, known as "terminal railroads"or "railways", as well as all railways or railroads operatedanywhere in the state, commonly known as electric railroads,whether they be wholly or in part in the city or countrydistricts; also all railroads within the country or city operatedby what is commonly known as cable or motor power, or byhorsepower.
(RSMo 1939 § 3671)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3281; 1919 § 4232; 1909 § 5439