537.200. Vice-principals defined.
Vice-principals defined.
537.200. All persons engaged in the service of any railroadcorporation doing business in this state or of any person,company or corporation operating a mine or mines in this state,who are entrusted by such railroad corporation, person, companyor corporation, with the authority of superintendence, control orcommand of other persons in the employ or service of suchrailroad corporation, person, company or corporation, or withauthority to direct any other servant in the performance of anyduty of such servant, or with the duty of inspection or otherduty owing by the master to the servant, are "vice-principals" ofsuch corporation, and are not fellow servants with suchemployees.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 3666, 3673, A. 1949 H.B. 2135)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 3276, 3283; 1919 §§ 4227, 4234; 1909 §§ 5435, 5441