537.047. Civil action for damages authorized, sexual and pornographic offenses involving a minor--statute of limitations.
Civil action for damages authorized, sexual and pornographic offensesinvolving a minor--statute of limitations.
537.047. 1. Any person who, while a child or minor as defined bysection 573.010, RSMo, was a victim of a violation of sections 573.023,573.025, 573.035, or 573.037, RSMo, and who suffers physical orpsychological injury or illness as a result of such violation, shall beentitled to bring a civil action to recover the actual damages sustained asa result of the violation, and shall also be entitled to recover the costsof the civil action and reasonable fees for attorneys and expert witnesses.A psychological injury or illness as described under this section need notbe accompanied by physical injury or illness.
2. Any action described under this section shall be commenced withinten years of the plaintiff attaining the age of twenty-one, or within threeyears of the date the plaintiff discovers that the injury or illness wascaused by the violation of an offense enumerated in subsection 1 of thissection, whichever later occurs.
3. A cause of action under this section may arise only if theviolation that caused the injury occurs on or after August 28, 2007.
(L. 2007 H.B. 583)