536.303. Small business statement required for certain proposed rules, content.

Small business statement required for certain proposed rules,content.

536.303. 1. For any proposed rules that affect small business, theagency shall also submit a small business statement to the board after apublic hearing is held. This section shall not apply to emergency rules.The small business statement required by this section shall provide thefollowing information:

(1) A description of how the opinions or comments from affected smallbusinesses were solicited;

(2) A summary of the public and small business comments;

(3) A summary of the agency's response to those comments; and

(4) The number of persons who attended the public hearing, testifiedat the hearing, and submitted written comments.

2. If a request to change the proposed rule was made at the hearingin a way that affected small business, a statement of the reasons foradopting the proposed rule without the requested change shall be includedin the small business statement.

(L. 2005 H.B. 576)