536.037. Committee on administrative rules, members, meetings, duties--reports--expenses.

Committee on administrative rules, members, meetings,duties--reports--expenses.

536.037. 1. There is established a permanent joint committee of thegeneral assembly to be known as the "Committee on Administrative Rules",which shall be composed of five members of the senate and five members ofthe house of representatives. The senate members of the committee shall beappointed by the president pro tem of the senate and the house members bythe speaker of the house. The appointment of each member shall continueduring his term of office as a member of the general assembly unless soonerremoved. No major party shall be represented by more than three appointedmembers from either house.

2. The committee on administrative rules shall meet within ten daysafter its creation and organize by selecting a chairman and a vicechairman, one of whom shall be a member of the senate and one of whom shallbe a member of the house of representatives. A majority of the membersconstitutes a quorum. Meetings of the committee may be called at such timeand place as the chairman designates.

3. The committee shall review all rules promulgated by any stateagency after January 1, 1976, except rules promulgated by the labor andindustrial labor relations commission. In its review the committee maytake such action as it deems necessary which may include holding hearings.

4. The members of the committee shall receive no compensation inaddition to their salary as members of the general assembly, but mayreceive their necessary expenses while attending the meetings of thecommittee, to be paid out of the joint contingent fund.

(L. 1975 S.B. 58, A.L. 1994 S.B. 558, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 2005 S.B. 237)


Workers' compensation cases, this section not deemed to govern discovery between parties, RSMo 287.811