536.022. Suspension or termination of rules--procedure.

Suspension or termination of rules--procedure.

536.022. 1. If any rule or portion of a rule of a state agency issuspended or terminated by action of the governor, a court or otherauthority, the state agency shall immediately file a notice of such actionwith the secretary of state.

2. The notice, in a format for publication designed by the secretaryof state, shall contain the title and number of the rule; shall describebriefly the action taken with regard to the rule and the parties affectedby the suspension or termination; shall state the effective date of thesuspension or termination; shall state the duration of the suspension; andshall contain such other information deemed necessary by the secretary ofstate to provide adequate public information.

3. If any action has the effect of changing the information in theinitial notice, the state agency shall immediately file a new notice withthe secretary of state in the same manner as the original notice.

4. Notices shall be printed by the secretary of state in the MissouriRegister as soon as practicable. The secretary of state shall insert inthe code of state regulations material regarding the suspension ortermination of rules, and the secretary of state may remove rules whichhave terminated.

(L. 1979 S.B. 204, A.L. 1997 H.B. 850)

Effective 6-27-97