535.170. Lessee barred from relief, when--appeal permitted, when.

Lessee barred from relief, when--appeal permitted, when.

535.170. After the execution of any judgment for possession pursuantto this chapter, the lessee and the lessee's assignees, and all otherpersons deriving title under the lease from such lessee, shall be barredfrom reentry of such premises and from all relief, and except for error inthe record or proceedings, the landlord shall from that day hold thedemised premises discharged from the lease. Nothing in this section shallpreclude an aggrieved party from perfecting an appeal or securing a trialde novo as to any judgment rendered, and may as a result of such appeal ortrial de novo recover any damage incurred, including damages incurred froman unlawful dispossession.

(RSMo 1939 § 2984, A.L. 1997 H.B. 361)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 2597; 1919 § 6891; 1909 § 7894