Chapter 533 Replevin
- 533.010. Action to recover specific personal property, procedure.
- 533.020. Order of delivery.
- 533.030. Plaintiff to deliver bond before property can be taken--types of bonds authorized, requirements.
- 533.040. Sheriff to take and deliver property to plaintiff unless bond given.
- 533.050. Qualifications of sureties.
- 533.060. Defendant not entitled to retain property, when.
- 533.070. Bonds taken by sheriff, filed with clerk, when.
- 533.080. Plaintiff--new bond ordered by court, when--failure to comply with order--procedure.
- 533.090. Defendant--new bond ordered by court, when--failure to comply with order--procedure.
- 533.100. When order in sections 533.080 and 533.090 is made, duty of clerk.
- 533.110. Plaintiff--failure to prosecute his suit after obtaining property--value of property--assessment.
- 533.120. Judgment rendered against plaintiff and his sureties, when.
- 533.130. If plaintiff has not property, assessment of damages.
- 533.140. If defendant fails in his defense--assessment of damages.
- 533.150. Party to elect, when.
- 533.160. Duty of officer if property not delivered in ten days.
- 533.170. Title of property vested, when.
- 533.180. Enforcement of orders.
- 533.190. Suit on bond, how and by whom brought.
- 533.200. Right of action against sheriff barred, when.
- 533.210. Court to allow charges for taking and delivering property.
- 533.220. Sheriff and sureties liable, when.
- 533.230. Issuance of execution--to whom directed.
- 533.240. Replevin--who may hear.
- 533.250. Value of property governs jurisdiction.