525.230. Allowance in such case to garnishee.
Allowance in such case to garnishee.
525.230. 1. The court shall make the garnishee a reasonableallowance for his or her trouble and expenses in answering theinterrogatories, to be paid out of the funds or proceeds of the property oreffects confessed in his or her hands. The reasonable allowances shallinclude any court costs, attorney's fees and any other bona fide expensesof the garnishee.
2. The court also shall allow the garnishee, in addition to thereasonable allowance for his or her trouble and expenses in answering theinterrogatories, to collect an administrative fee consisting of the greaterof eight dollars or two percent of the amount required to be deducted byany court-ordered garnishment or series of garnishments arising out of thesame judgment debt. Such fee shall be for the trouble and expenses inadministering the notice of garnishment and paying over any garnished fundsavailable to the court. The fee shall be withheld by the employer from theemployee, or by any other garnishee from any fund garnished, in addition tothe moneys withheld to satisfy the court-ordered judgment. Such fee shallnot be a credit against the court-ordered judgment and shall be collectedfirst.
(RSMo 1939 § 1582, A.L. 1990 S.B. 834, A.L. 2000 S.B. 896)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1418; 1919 § 1868; 1909 § 2435