521.870. Proceedings for the distribution of money.
Proceedings for the distribution of money.
521.870. Whenever money made on any execution or executionsor other writ or writs is brought into the court out of which theeldest of such executions or other writs was issued, such courtshall order the distribution or payment of such money on themotion of any person interested therein and on such notice as thecourt may, by rule or otherwise, direct. On his compliance withsuch order, the officer returning such execution or executions orother writ or writs shall be discharged of his liability for suchmoney; but from any such final order an appeal shall lie as inother cases, and nothing herein contained shall be construed todischarge any officer from liability for not properly executingany process or for a false return thereon.
(RSMo 1939 § 15697)Prior revision: 1929 § 14749