513.480. If value exceeds limitation, owner may designate--proceedings.
If value exceeds limitation, owner may designate--proceedings.
513.480. Whenever an execution shall be levied upon the realestate of any person, of which such homestead may be a part, orupon such part of any homestead as may be in excess of thelimitation of the value thereof created in section 513.475, suchperson shall have the right to designate and choose the partthereof to which the exemption created in section 513.475 shallapply, not exceeding the limited value; and upon such designationand choice, or in case of a refusal to designate or choose, thesheriff levying the execution shall appoint three disinterestedappraisers, who shall, first being sworn to a faithful dischargeof their duties, fix the location and boundaries of suchhomestead, and the sheriff shall then proceed with the levy ofsuch execution upon the residue of such real estate as in othercases; and such proceedings in respect to the homestead shall bestated in the return upon such execution.
(RSMo 1939 § 609, A.L. 1982 S.B. 490)Prior revisions: 1929 § 609; 1919 § 5854; 1909 § 6705