513.025. General execution, form.
General execution, form.
513.025. Such execution shall be a fieri facias against thegoods, chattels and real estate of the party against whom thejudgment, order or decree is rendered, and shall be to thefollowing effect:The state of Missouri, to the sheriff of the county of ....:
Whereas, A B, on the .... day of ...., in the year of ourLord nineteen hundred and ...., at our court, hath recoveredagainst C D, the sum of ...., for debt (or damages, as the casemay be), and also for the sum of .... which to the said A B wereadjudged for his damages, as well as by reason of detaining thesaid debt, as for his cost in that suit expended: These are,therefore, to command you, that of the goods and chattels andreal estate of the said C D, you cause to be made the debt,damages and costs (or damages and costs), and that you have thesame before the judge of said court, on the .... day of ...., tosatisfy the debt, damages and costs aforesaid (or damages aloneand costs), and that you certify how you execute this writ.Witness: E F, clerk of the said court, at ...., this .... day of.... in the year .... E F, clerk.
(RSMo 1939 § 1317)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1153; 1919 § 1604; 1909 § 2173