506.200. Definitions.


506.200. 1. The term "person", as used in section 506.210,shall mean:

(1) The owner of the motor vehicle or trailer, whether it isbeing used and operated personally by said owner or by his agent;

(2) An agent using and operating the motor vehicle ortrailer for his principal;

(3) Any person who is in charge of the motor vehicle ortrailer and of the use and operation thereof with the express orimplied consent of the owner.

2. The term "restricted, registered mail" means mail whichcarries on the face thereof in a conspicuous place, where it willnot be obliterated, the endorsement, "deliver to addressee only",and which also requires a return receipt or a statement by thepostal authorities that the addressee refused to receive andreceipt for such mail.

(L. 1941 p. 435 §§ 3, 7)