494.505. Jurors may be summoned from another county, when--procedure--transportation furnished jury instead of mileage, when.
Jurors may be summoned from another county,when--procedure--transportation furnished jury instead ofmileage, when.
494.505. 1. Whenever it shall appear, in the mannerprovided in section 545.490, RSMo, that the inhabitants of theentire county in which the cause is pending are so prejudicedagainst the defendant that a fair trial cannot be had, thecircuit court judge may order as many jurors as he deemsnecessary to be summoned from any county or counties in the samejudicial circuit as the county of trial or in any adjoiningjudicial circuit. If the circuit court judge is of the opinionthat it is necessary in order to provide a fair trial of anycause, he may summon jurors from a county which is neither in thecircuit nor adjoining the judicial circuit in which the trial isto be held by requesting the chief justice of the supreme courtof the state of Missouri to name a county in the state from whichjurors may be summoned for such trial.
2. If jurors are summoned from a county other than thecounty of trial, the selection of the jury panel may, at thediscretion of the circuit court judge, be held in the county inwhich the jurors reside.
3. Jurors summoned pursuant to the provisions of subsection1 of this section shall be subject to the same challenges asother jurors, except challenges for nonresidence in the county oftrial. Transportation may be furnished to the jurors in lieu ofmileage.
4. The supreme court of the state of Missouri shallpromulgate rules to implement the provisions of this section.
(L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al.)