494.455. Compensation of jurors, mileage--additional compensation may be authorized, when.
Compensation of jurors, mileage--additional compensation may beauthorized, when.
494.455. 1. Each county or city not within a county may elect tocompensate its jurors pursuant to subsection 2 of this section except asotherwise provided in subsection 3 of this section.
2. Each grand and petit juror shall receive six dollars per day, forevery day he or she may actually serve as such, and seven cents for everymile he or she may necessarily travel going from his or her place ofresidence to the courthouse and returning, to be paid from funds of thecounty or a city not within a county. The governing body of each county ora city not within a county may authorize additional daily compensation andmileage allowance for jurors, which additional compensation shall be paidfrom the funds of the county or a city not within a county. The governingbody of each county or a city not within a county may authorize additionaldaily compensation and mileage allowance for jurors attending a coroner'sinquest. Jurors may receive the additional compensation and mileageallowance authorized by this subsection only if the governing body of thecounty or the city not within a county authorizes the additionalcompensation. The provisions of this subsection authorizing additionalcompensation shall terminate upon the issuance of a mandate by the Missourisupreme court which results in the state of Missouri being obligated orrequired to pay any such additional compensation even if such additionalcompensation is formally approved or authorized by the governing body of acounty or a city not within a county. Provided that a county or a city notwithin a county authorizes daily compensation payable from county or cityfunds for jurors who serve in that county pursuant to this subsection inthe amount of at least six dollars per day in addition to the amountrequired by this subsection, a person shall receive an additional sixdollars per day to be reimbursed by the state of Missouri so that the totalcompensation payable shall be at least eighteen dollars, plus mileage foreach day that the person actually serves as a petit juror in a particularcase; or for each day that a person actually serves as a grand juror duringa term of a grand jury. The state shall reimburse the county for sixdollars of the additional juror compensation provided by this subsection.
3. In any county of the first classification without a charter formof government and with a population of at least two hundred thousandinhabitants, no grand or petit juror shall receive compensation for thefirst two days of service, but shall receive fifty dollars per day for thethird day and each subsequent day he or she may actually serve as such, andseven cents for every mile he or she may necessarily travel going from hisor her place of residence to the courthouse and returning, to be paid fromfunds of the county.
4. When each panel of jurors summoned and attending court hascompleted its service, the board of jury commissioners shall cause to besubmitted to the governing body of the county or a city not within a countya statement of fees earned by each juror. Within thirty days of thesubmission of the statement of fees, the governing body shall cause paymentto be made to those jurors summoned the fees earned during their service asjurors.
(L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al., A.L. 1999 S.B. 1, et al., A.L. 2001 H.B. 945)