494.405. Board of jury commissioners, duties, quorum, meetings, members--circuit clerks, duties--supervisors, appointment, certain counties--jury supervisors, deputies, salaries, duties, oath.
Board of jury commissioners, duties, quorum, meetings,members--circuit clerks, duties--supervisors, appointment,certain counties--jury supervisors, deputies, salaries, duties,oath.
494.405. 1. There is hereby created in each county, andeach city not within a county, a board of jury commissioners.The board shall be responsible for managing and supervising thejury selection process. A majority of the members of the boardshall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Thetime, place and manner of meetings of the board and the rules forperforming its duties shall be fixed by the board.
2. The board of jury commissioners shall be comprised ofthe presiding judge of the circuit, or a circuit or associatecircuit judge of the circuit designated by the presiding judge,the clerk of the circuit court, and the county clerk. The judgemember of the board of jury commissioners shall be the presidingofficer. In counties of the first class having charter forms ofgovernment and in any city not within a county, the circuit courten banc shall constitute the board of jury commissioners, and thepresiding judge of the court en banc shall preside. Nothingherein shall be construed to diminish the statutory term ofoffice or the statutory compensation of any person currentlyserving as jury commissioner.
3. The clerk and deputy circuit clerks of the circuit courtshall assist the board of jury commissioners in clerical andadministrative duties as specified by the board.
4. In counties of the first class having a charter form ofgovernment the board of jury commissioners may appoint a jurysupervisor and such number of deputy jury supervisors as deemednecessary to perform duties as specified by the board. The jurysupervisor and the deputy jury supervisors so appointed shallserve at the pleasure of the board and shall receive a salarydetermined and fixed by the board, payable monthly or more oftenby the governing body of the county in which the judicial circuitis located.
5. In counties of the first classification not having acharter form of government, subject to the approval of thegoverning body of the county, the board of jury commissioners mayappoint a jury supervisor and such number of deputy jurysupervisors as deemed necessary to perform duties as specified bythe board. The jury supervisor and the deputy jury supervisorsso appointed shall be county employees, but shall serve at thepleasure of the board. The jury supervisor and the deputy jurysupervisors shall receive a salary determined and fixed by thegoverning body of the county, payable monthly or more often bythe governing body of the county in which the judicial circuit islocated.
6. In each city not within a county the board of jurycommissioners may appoint a jury supervisor and such number ofdeputy jury supervisors as deemed necessary to perform duties asspecified by the board. The jury supervisor and deputy jurysupervisors so appointed shall receive a salary recommended bythe board of jury commissioners and approved by the board ofestimate and apportionment. The jury supervisor and each deputyjury supervisor who are regularly employed throughout the yearshall receive job classifications and salaries comparable toemployees in similar positions under the merit system of thecity. Subsequent increases in salary shall be determined andpaid in the same manner as for other employees in similarpositions under such merit system.
7. Before entering upon the duties of office, the jurysupervisor and deputy jury supervisors so appointed shall takeand subscribe before a circuit judge of the circuit an oath oraffirmation to support the Constitution of the United States andof this state and to faithfully demean themselves in office.
(L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al., A.L. 1993 S.B. 88)