493.110. Board to meet and select newspapers, when, how.
Board to meet and select newspapers, when, how.
493.110. In all such cities, a board, consisting of thejudges of the circuit court of such city, or of the judicialcircuit in which such city is situated, or a majority of thesame, shall, on or before the first day of January, 1912, andevery two years thereafter, cause to be published in some dailynewspaper of said city a notice for at least ten days announcingand designating the time and place when and where the said boardshall have a hearing to determine what newspapers in such citiesare eligible to publish such notices under the provisions of theforegoing section. The publishers of newspapers desiring theright to publish such notices shall, upon or prior to the date ofsuch hearing, file with said board a petition, verified by theaffidavit of such publishers, directed to said board petitioningfor such right and setting forth that such newspaper has therequired circulation as set forth in the foregoing section. Atthe time and place so designated the said board shall determine,by such method as shall seem to it best, what newspapers somaking application are eligible under the provisions of theforegoing section, and a record of the decisions of the board anda list of the newspapers so declared eligible shall be made insuch court and in such manner as the board shall determine.
(RSMo 1939 § 7772)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7632; 1919 § 9031