493.080. Notice of meeting to select official publication--petitions of newspapers.
Notice of meeting to select official publication--petitions ofnewspapers.
493.080. In all such cities a board consisting of the judgesof the circuit court of such city or of the judicial circuit inwhich the city is situated, or a majority of them shall on orbefore the first day of January, 1942, and every two yearsthereafter, cause to be published in some daily newspaper of saidcity a notice for at least twenty days announcing and designatingthe time and place when and where said board shall hold a hearingto determine what newspapers in such cities are qualified topublish public notices and advertisements under the provisions ofsection 493.070; and all newspapers in the cities desiring topublish such public notices and advertisements shall, on or priorto the date of each such hearing, file with the board a petitionverified by the affidavit of one of the publishers thereof, thatsuch newspaper has the qualifications set forth in said sectionand desires to be designated as a qualified newspaper under theprovisions of section 493.070, and a majority of the board atsuch time and place shall determine what newspapers sopetitioning are qualified under the provisions of that sectionand shall make a record thereof and shall file a copy thereofwith the clerk of all courts of record within such cities, andthereupon such newspapers shall be deemed and considered by allcourts and officers of this state to be qualified under theprovisions of that section; provided, however, that there shallnot be charged by or allowed to any such newspaper for suchpublications a rate that exceeds the rate provided in section493.030; provided, however, that the petition shall beaccompanied by a good and sufficient bond, in a sum to be fixedby the board, conditioned for the correct and faithfulpublication in the newspaper of all public notices andadvertisements, in manner and form as required by law, and atrates not in excess of the rate fixed herein; provided, further,that the board of judges of any such city, if the board shalldeem it in the public interest, shall, in the manner hereinprescribed, qualify any daily newspaper of general circulationfor the publication of public notices and advertisements at rateshigher than the maximum rates herein established, though suchnewspaper shall not file bond hereunder.
(RSMo 1939 § 14971, A.L. 1941 p. 519, A.L. 1945 p. 1317, A.L. 1969 p. 569)Prior revision: 1929 § 13778