488.015. Court not to increase charges, may be adjusted annually--additional fee, when--review.

Court not to increase charges, may be adjusted annually--additionalfee, when--review.

488.015. The court shall not increase the amount of miscellaneouscharges or surcharges allowed by law. The amounts of fees payable to thestate of Missouri may be annually adjusted as provided in section 488.012to the extent that projected total collections for all such fees shall notexceed one hundred four percent of such fees assessed or assessable duringthe previous year less the amount of such assessed fees attributable to anyincrease in the judiciary's caseload, provided that the amount of theadjusted fee attributable to each case may be rounded to the nearestdollar. The supreme court rule may provide that in the event that anypayment of court costs is made in time or installment payments or by creditcard or similar method, the clerk may charge an additional fee for suchtime or installment payments or in order to reflect any transaction cost,surcharge or fee imposed on the recipient of the credit card payment by thecredit card company. Any change in the amount of fees made by the courtpursuant to this section shall take effect on July first of any particularyear, provided that the proposed supreme court rule or amendment to asupreme court rule changing the amount of fees shall be published on orbefore January first of the year in which the rule or amendment is proposedto take effect. Any such rule may be annulled or amended in whole or partin the manner provided by section 5 of article V of the Constitution of thestate of Missouri. Any changes in the amount of fees made by the courtpursuant to sections 488.010 to 488.020 shall be presented to the generalassembly on or before January first of the year in which the rule oramendment is proposed to take effect.

(L. 1996 S.B. 869 § 514.015 subsec. 5, A.L. 1997 S.B. 248, A.L. 1999 S.B. 1, et al.)