486.315. Removal from county of residence, effect of--amended commission, when, procedure, fee.
Removal from county of residence, effect of--amended commission, when,procedure, fee.
486.315. If a notary public has ceased to have a residence address inthe county within and for which he or she is commissioned, the commissionshall thereupon cease to be in effect, unless the secretary of state issuesan amended commission. When a notary public, who has established aresidence address in a county of the state other than the county in whichhe or she was first commissioned, requests an amended commission withinthirty days of changing the notary's county of residence, delivers his orher current commission, notice of change form, and five dollars to thesecretary of state, the secretary of state shall issue an amendedcommission to the notary public, for the county in which his or her newresidence is located and shall notify the county clerk of the county wherethe notary's new address is located. After requesting an amendedcommission within thirty days of changing the notary's county of residence,the notary may continue to perform notarial acts with certificates showingthe county within and for which he or she is commissioned, until the notaryreceives his or her amended commission.
(L. 1977 H.B. 513 § 25, A.L. 1981 H.B. 388, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1193)