478.473. Letters where granted (Jackson County).
Letters where granted (Jackson County).
478.473. 1. Letters testamentary or of administration onthe estates of decedents and letters of guardianship of theperson and letters of conservatorship of the estate of minors ordisabled and incapacitated persons shall be granted by theprobate division of the circuit court of Jackson County, or thedivision clerk thereof when not in session, at Independence or atKansas City, as hereinafter provided, and all orders,settlements, trials and other proceedings had therein shall behad, done and kept of record in the office of the clerk wheresuch letters are granted. For the purposes of this section,Jackson County is hereby divided into an "eastern" portion and a"western" portion, as hereinafter described.
2. (1) The "western" portion of Jackson County is describedas follows:
Beginning in the middle of the main channel of the MissouriRiver, at a point where the easterly city limits of the city ofKansas City intersects the same; thence southerly along saideasterly city limits of the city of Kansas City and following themeanderings of same to the intersection of said easterly citylimits with the center line of Blue Ridge Boulevard (just northof U.S. Highway No. 24); thence southerly along the center lineof Blue Ridge Boulevard to its intersection with the center lineof Blue Ridge Cut-Off (at about 33rd Street); thence southerlyalong the center line of Blue Ridge Cut-Off to its intersectionwith the center line of Blue Ridge Boulevard Extension (at about66th Street); thence southerly along the center line of BlueRidge Boulevard Extension to its intersection with the centerline of 87th Street; thence easterly along the center line of87th Street to its intersection with the center line of RaytownRoad; thence southerly along the center line of Raytown Road toits intersection with the center line of Outer Belt Road; thenceeasterly along the center line of Outer Belt Road to itsintersection with the center line of Peterson Road; thencesoutherly along the center line of Peterson Road to itsintersection with the boundary between Jackson County and CassCounty; thence westerly along said boundary between JacksonCounty and Cass County to its intersection with the westernboundary line of the state of Missouri; thence northerly alongthe western boundary line of the state of Missouri to itsintersection with the middle of the main channel of the MissouriRiver; thence down said river, in the middle of the main channelthereof, to the place of beginning.
(2) The "eastern" portion of Jackson County is described asthe remainder of Jackson County other than the aforesaid"western" portion. The boundaries as herein established arepermanently fixed geographically as of January 2, 1979, and arenot to be considered altered by reason of change of name orlocation of any of the roads or city limits to which reference ismade herein.
3. If, at the time of the death of a decedent, or at thetime of the filing of a petition for appointment of a guardianfor a minor or an incompetent, such decedent or minor orincompetent
(1) Resides in the "eastern" portion, then such lettersshall be granted at Independence;
(2) Resides in the "western" portion, then such lettersshall be granted at Kansas City;
(3) Does not reside in Jackson County but is possessed oflands lying in the "eastern" portion (but none in the "western"portion), then such letters shall be granted at Independence;
(4) Does not reside in Jackson County but is possessed oflands lying in the "western" portion (but none in the "eastern"portion), then such letters shall be granted at Kansas City.In all other cases, such letters may be granted at eitherIndependence or Kansas City.
4. The probate division of the circuit court of JacksonCounty shall keep two offices for the transaction of itsbusiness, one at Independence and the other at Kansas City. Therecords relating to cases in the "eastern" portion of JacksonCounty shall be maintained at Independence and the recordsrelating to cases in the "western" portion of Jackson Countyshall be maintained at Kansas City, unless a case be transferred.
(L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)*No continuity with § 478.473 as repealed by L. 1978 H.B. 1634; this section was formerly numbered 481.290.