478.428. Presiding judge and circuit clerk St. Louis City to meet with mayor and budget director to discuss court's estimate of expenditures for year--estimate to be filed when.

Presiding judge and circuit clerk St. Louis City to meet with mayorand budget director to discuss court's estimate of expenditures foryear--estimate to be filed when.

478.428. 1. The presiding judge of each circuit court in a city notwithin a county, or the presiding judge's designee, shall, not later thanthe first day of February each year, meet with the mayor of such city, orthe mayor's designee, and with the budget director of such city, or thebudget director's designee, and confer and discuss with the mayor andbudget director, or their respective designees, the circuit court'sestimates of its requirements for expenditures and its estimates of itsrevenues for the next budget year.

2. The circuit clerk of each circuit court in a city not within acounty, or the circuit clerk's designee, shall, not later than the firstday of February each year, meet with the mayor of such city, or the mayor'sdesignee, and with the budget director of such city, or the budgetdirector's designee, and confer and discuss with the mayor and budgetdirector, or their respective designees, the circuit clerk's estimates ofthe circuit clerk's requirements for expenditures and its estimates of itsrevenues for the next budget year.

3. Not later than the first day of March of each year, and after thepresiding judge and circuit clerk have met, conferred and discussed theestimates with the mayor and budget director, as provided in subsections 1and 2 of this section, the estimates of the circuit court and the circuitclerk shall be transmitted to the city not within a county in the samemanner as otherwise provided by law.

4. In all respects other than as provided in subsections 1 to 3 ofthis section, the budgets of the circuit court and the circuit clerk in acity not within a county shall follow the same course and be subject to thesame rights, obligations and processes as otherwise provided by law.

(L. 1995 H.B. 274 & 268 § 1 merged with S.B. 352 § 1)