478.220. Circuit and associate circuit judges, jurisdiction, restrictions.
Circuit and associate circuit judges, jurisdiction, restrictions.
478.220. Circuit judges and associate circuit judges mayhear and determine all cases and matters within the jurisdictionof their circuit courts, subject however, to the followingrestrictions:
(1) Circuit judges shall not hear and determine municipalordinance violation cases, except upon trial de novo, unless thejudge be transferred or assigned to hear and determine the caseor that class of case pursuant to section 478.240 or 478.245, orsection 6 of article V of the constitution; and
(2) Each circuit judge or associate circuit judge who servesas the judge of the probate division of the circuit court mayhear and determine all cases and matters within the probatedivision of the circuit court in the county for which he is judgein accordance with the rules of civil procedure, except wherespecific statutes govern procedure in the probate division; and
(3) The provisions of this section authorizing the hearingand determination of particular cases or classes of cases bycircuit judges and associate circuit judges shall be subject tothe transfer, assignment, and disqualification provisionscontained in article V of the constitution, in provisions of law,or in court rules which are authorized by the constitution or bylaw.
(L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al.)*No continuity with § 478.220 as repealed by L. 1978 H.B. 1634.