478.035. Circuit courts--counties and City of St. Louis to provide quarters.
Circuit courts--counties and City of St. Louis to provide quarters.
478.035. The counties and the city of St. Louis shall providesuitable quarters for the respective circuit courts, including alldivisions thereof except divisions presided over by municipal judges. Suchquarters shall be provided at the county seat, except in the followingsituations:
(1) Except as provided in section 478.038, in counties whereprovision was made on January 1, 1979, for a county to provide quarters forthe circuit court or the courts replaced by divisions of the circuit courtat a location other than at the county seat, the county shall continue toprovide suitable quarters for the respective divisions of the circuit courtat such additional locations.
(2) The county commission may, by proper order, provide additionalquarters for divisions of the circuit court at additional locations outsidethe county seat.
(L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1995 H.B. 239)Effective 2-3-95