478.019. Judge of probate division, ex officio circuit or associate circuit judge, when, salary, how payable.

Judge of probate division, ex officio circuit or associate circuitjudge, when, salary, how payable.

478.019. Each judge of the probate division of the circuitcourt shall also be an ex officio circuit judge of the circuitfor such additional classes of cases as may be assigned to him bythe presiding judge of the circuit if he be a circuit judge andan ex officio associate circuit judge of the county for suchadditional classes of cases as may be assigned to him by thepresiding judge of the circuit if he be an associate circuitjudge. The salary payable to each such judge who serves as ajudge of the probate division shall be payable to him in hiscapacity as such ex officio circuit judge or ex officio associatecircuit judge, as the case may be, and not in his capacity as ajudge of the probate division.

(L. 1982 S.B. 497, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1244)