477.087. Official station of judges--office space to be provided--travel to and from official station to be a paid expense.
Official station of judges--office space to be provided--travel to andfrom official station to be a paid expense.
477.087. 1. The official station of each judge of the supreme courtand court of appeals may be the locus of the court of which the judge is amember or any circuit court county courthouse located where the judgemaintains an actual abode in which the judge customarily lives or at anyother office in that county.
2. The presiding judge of the judicial circuit in which a judge ofthe supreme court or court of appeals has his official station may providesuitable office space, if available, upon request by a judge of the supremecourt or court of appeals for use by the judge and the judge's staffpersonnel.
3. Each judge of the supreme court and court of appeals, uponappointment and from time to time thereafter as changes occur, shall notifythe state courts administrator in writing of the judge's official station,if other than the city of the locus of the court of which the judge is amember.
4. Judges of the supreme court and court of appeals and their staffshall be entitled to any state allowances for official travel and mileageto or from their official station and the locus of the court on which thejudge sits.
(L. 1988 S.B. 425 § 1, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1370, et al., A.L. 1999 S.B. 1, et al.)