476.686. Magistrate judges not now serving in St. Louis City may become special consultant, when--compensation to be creditable service in judicial retirement system.
Magistrate judges not now serving in St. Louis City may become specialconsultant, when--compensation to be creditable service in judicialretirement system.
476.686. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, anyperson who has reached the age of sixty-five years and hasserved, but is not serving on August 28, 1992, as a magistratejudge in a city not within a county and has not receivedcreditable service in the judges' retirement system for suchservice, shall be made, constituted, appointed, and employed bythe judges' retirement system as a special consultant on theproblems of retirement, aging and other state matters for theremainder of the person's life. As compensation for suchemployment, the person shall receive creditable service in thejudges' retirement system for the time that person served as amagistrate judge and be entitled to any benefits provided bysections 476.450 to 476.683 that are applicable.
(L. 1989 H.B. 674 § 476.681, A.L. 1992 S.B. 499, et al.)