476.520. Eligibility requirements.
Eligibility requirements.
476.520. 1. Any person, sixty-two years of age or older, who hasserved in this state an aggregate of at least twelve years, continuously orotherwise, as a judge, and who, after September 3, 1970, ceased or ceasesto hold office by reason of the expiration of the judge's term, voluntaryresignation, or retirement pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 ofsection 24 of article V of the Constitution of Missouri may receivebenefits as provided in sections 476.515 to 476.565. All judges requiredby the provisions of section 30 of article V of the constitution to retireat the age of seventy years shall retire upon reaching that age, and ifthey have served in this state an aggregate of at least twelve years,continuously or otherwise, as a judge, shall receive benefits as providedin sections 476.515 to 476.565. The twelve-year requirement of thissubsection may be fulfilled by service as judge in any of the courtscovered, or by service in any combination as judge of such courts, totalingan aggregate of twelve years.
2. Any person sixty years of age or older, who has served in thisstate an aggregate of at least fifteen years, continuously or otherwise, asa judge, and who ceased or ceases to hold office by reason of theexpiration of the judge's term, voluntary resignation, or retirementpursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 of section 24 of article V ofthe Constitution of Missouri may receive benefits as provided in sections476.515 to 476.565. The fifteen-year requirement of this subsection may befulfilled by service as judge in any of the courts covered, or by servicein any combination as judge of such courts, totaling an aggregate of atleast fifteen years.
3. Any person fifty-five years of age or older, who has served inthis state an aggregate of at least twenty years, continuously orotherwise, as a judge, and who ceases to hold office by reason of theexpiration of his or her term, voluntary resignation or retirement pursuantto the provisions of subsection 2 of section 24 of article V of theConstitution of Missouri may receive benefits as provided in sections476.515 to 476.565. The twenty-year requirement of this subsection may befulfilled by service as judge in any of the courts covered, or by servicein any combination as judge of such courts, totaling an aggregate of atleast twenty years. Any judge who terminated employment prior to August28, 1999, and who otherwise would qualify for benefits pursuant to thissubsection shall upon application to the board of trustees be made,constituted and appointed and employed by the board as a special consultanton the problems of retirement for the remainder of the person's life. Ascompensation for such services, the consultant shall be eligible to retirepursuant to this subsection upon completing a retirement application. Inno event shall the system pay retirement benefits for any period prior tothe date such application is processed by the system. Any judge who electsnot to retire pursuant to this subsection and continues to serve beyond agefifty-five shall not be eligible to receive the increases described insection 476.690 for any time served prior to age sixty.
4. Any person who terminated employment prior to August 13, 1988,shall upon application to the board of trustees of the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system, be made, constituted and appointed andemployed by the board as a special consultant on the problems ofretirement, aging and other state matters for the remainder of the person'slife. Upon request of the board or the court from which the personretired, the consultant shall give opinions or be available to giveopinions in writing or orally in response to such request. As compensationfor such services, the consultant shall be eligible to retire pursuant tothe provisions of this section or section 476.545.
(L. 1971 S.B. 132 § 2, A.L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1988 S.B. 425 merged with H.B. 1242 Revision, A.L. 1997 H.B. 356, A.L. 1999 S.B. 308 & 314)