476.450. Judges may become special commissioners, when--salary or retirement compensation.
Judges may become special commissioners, when--salary or retirementcompensation.
476.450. 1. Any person having reached the age of sixty-five yearsand having in this state served an aggregate of twelve years, continuouslyor otherwise, as a judge or commissioner of the supreme court, or as ajudge or commissioner of any of the courts of appeals, or as a circuitjudge, or as a judge of a court of criminal correction, or as a judge of acourt of common pleas, or either or both as judge or commissioner of any ofsaid courts, and who shall have ceased to hold such office by reason of theexpiration of his term, or voluntary resignation or retirement by reason ofhaving reached the age of seventy-five years, under section 25, article V,of the Constitution of Missouri, shall, if he so elects as hereinafterprovided, be made, constituted and appointed a special commissioner orreferee for and during the remainder of his life and shall, while heremains a resident of Missouri, be entitled to and shall receive as annualcompensation, salary or retirement compensation during the remainder of hislife a sum equal in amount to one-half the salary or compensation providedfor by law on January 1, 1989, for the office from which he has retired,except as follows:
(1) For the period from August 13, 1986, until January 1, 1988, theannual compensation, salary or retirement compensation shall equal fortypercent of the salary or compensation provided by law on August 13, 1986,for the office from which he has retired;
(2) For the period January 1, 1988, through December 31, 1988, theannual compensation, salary or retirement compensation shall equalforty-five percent of the salary or compensation provided by law on January1, 1988, for the office from which he has retired.
2. A judge of the supreme court who ceased or ceases to hold officeby reason of the expiration of his term, voluntary resignation, orretirement from the supreme court and who is sixty-five years of age orolder and has served an aggregate of at least eight years or who is sixtyyears of age or older and has served an aggregate of at least twelve years,continuously or otherwise, as a judge of the supreme court may elect,before June 30, 1988, to be made, constituted and appointed a specialcommissioner or referee and shall receive as annual compensation, in lieuof the compensation provided by subsection 1 of this section, one-half ofthe salary or compensation provided by law at the time of such electionunder this subsection for the office from which he has retired.
(L. 1951 p. 442 § 1, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1496, A.L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1997 H.B. 356)