476.265. Judicial department, budget, procedure for formulation.

Judicial department, budget, procedure for formulation.

476.265. 1. The budget for the funding of the judicialdepartment by the state for each fiscal year shall be formulatedin the same manner as provided in subdivision (4) of subsection 6of section 1 of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974, asamended, and in section 33.220, RSMo, except as otherwiseprovided in this section.

2. For purposes of budget procedures, the supreme courtshall be considered as the head of the department. The chiefjudge of each district of the court of appeals with the approvalof a majority of the judges of each district and the presidingjudge of each circuit with the approval of a majority of thecircuit and associate circuit judges of the circuit shall presenttheir estimates for the districts and circuits, respectively, inthe same manner as a division of a department of the executivebranch of government.

3. The budget estimates prepared within the judicialdepartment shall be provided to the budget director on or beforeOctober first in each year preceding the annual session of thegeneral assembly.

4. Budgets shall be submitted by circuit and by district ofthe court of appeals; provided, however, that budgeting on adistrict-by-district and circuit-by-circuit basis shall notpreclude additional contingency appropriations which may be madefor allocation by the supreme court as needed among the variousdistricts and circuits.

(L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Effective 1-2-79